Birthday Girl and her husband - Thies Senegal
Connie and Craig celebrating Connie's _ _ birthday. Last year Connie celebrated to the dances of 6 Fijians in the Islands of Samoa. Her day in Senegal started with a chorus of happy birthday in English and Senegalese, accompianed by drums. Pizza and ice cream for lunch and Lin Grey made a special peanut butter and chocolate dessert for tonight. Yes, her appetite and energy have returned. A good sign.
Taylor, swaggering into the restaurant was greeted, to the surprise of Connie and I, "Bonjour Taylor" from Monique, her regular waitress (they serve pizza and ice cream). Her mother was proud of her for continuing the tradition of "fast food ministries" founded by Connie herself.
Taylor wishing she could be eating fish and rice instead of pizza.
Happy Birthday Mom! Your going to have the best Birthday stories ever! Thats so funny the girl knows Taylor.. Oh man I miss you guys. Love you all,
We miss you lots!!! We're going to have a really big bash here tonight in celebrating of Moms birthday. Boccata is catering. Love you guys!
Taylor the pizza looks pretty good. Please post more pictures of wild animals. Maybe your Dad could ride some.
KK and Maddie
Happy B-Day Connie Looks like you guys are having a great time.
You are all in our prayers.
Chris Dyan Fast
Happy Birthday Mom.. Love you so much. That is so funny that she new Taylors name..... Nice find Taylor.. Love you mom and hope you had a wonderful day. I miss you
Man Taylor here I felt sorry for you cause I thought you were living off bread and water ... Man that pizza looks good !!! Happy belated birthday Ta,Ta and Mrs.Kline! Miss you Taylor (be safe) LOVE ME,ME
Happy Birthday Connie!! Hope your boa was cooked to your liking.
And I was going to post your age but I was informed that it would be a Senegal HIPPA violation.
God Bless!
Having bread salad in honor of your special day Connie!
Miss you here!
zowie! happy birthday pretty girl. cut that pic in half and you dont look a day over 18. By half, i mean that baggage to your right
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