Friday, November 10, 2006

Connie and Marie Cecile have breakfast work duty. Every morning they prepare breakfast which is comprised of French Bread, water tea and now Starbucks coffee. Connie used to walk to the bread store but now it is delivered every day. Marie Cecile is married to a Senegalese Pastor, so her proper title is Madame Pastor. Connie and Marie Cecile love working together. They try to wake up before each other in the morning to get the work done before the other gets up. Marie Cecile speaks very limited English but they seem to communicate very well together. The picture is of them doing dishes in the kitchen.

Here is breakfast, prepared by Connie and Marie Cecile. Eating breakfast from left to right are Tim Grey, husband of Lin Grey, fix it man, photographer, local celebrity and uncle of Dave Clary. Alisha from Edmonton Canada, Jean Baptiste, Senegalese and class interpreter, and Stephen from South Africa. Tim is drinking Kenya Bold Starbucks coffee. The steam to the left of Tim is from the brewing coffee.

The most interesting things happen outside our building. As I was shaving at the laundry room sink this morning, I noticed a herd of goats and what appeared to be a goat herder. I grabbed my camera and asked if I could take a picture of him with his goats. He graciously consented and here it is. The goats looked pretty skinny. We live in a residential area. But there is a lot of dry brush they can chew on.


connie said...

Aren't we all glad Craig is here!
I will even know what is going on around here now. :) Connie

Wiley coyotes said...

"Breakfast and the Goat Herder"....sounds like the title for a good long as the goats aren't the breakfast :) Thanks for the photos! It adds a lot for us to keep track of your travels.

We are so excited for all of you. You are our "adventure" outlet since for now, God has us home- bound.

Connie- sounds like you are learning some incredible skills, especially diagnosing malaria :)
But seriously, certainly God has a purpose in your malaria experience (Romans 8:18). For instance, just think how effective you will be in the future in caring for others with malaria! You know first-hand the cause, symptoms, diagnosis, and cure! Similarly, when my children have been sick over the years I certainly didn't enjoy it. But now in the pharmacy when I get asked by parents about their sick children, I am much better prepared to help them because of my experience. Anyway,
God is good!

We love you guys and pray for you often.
