Friday, November 24, 2006

Welcome Dana Smith - Yes Chip, She Made It

Lin, Dana and Connie (Lin had a late night)
While all of you were chomping down on turkey yesterday, Taylor, Tim and I took the trek to Dakar to pick up Dana at Dakar International. A successful snatch from the jaws of "service providers" and off we went for a smooth trip back to Thies. Dana is a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner with The Northwest Pediatric Center (thanks for the loan). Dana will be working with local doctors to provide medical services. We are so grateful to have her here, especially since: she brought all kinds of goodies, EXCEPT a turkey!!!!!!
So, we are in search of a turkey or even a large chicken or two to roast. Connie and I are cooking this Saturday and would like to put on some type of traditional Thanksgiving meal. Jean Baptiste and I are going turkey hunting this afternoon. The only chance we have is finding a farmer that happens to have one they want to sell. Then we will have to get it ready for the oven. Should be interesting. Developing story........
Blogs have been sporadic lately because, the power has been even more so. Speaking of power, the water is off for up to 12 hours at a time. After our return from Dakar, Tim ran to the shower to get rid of the road dirt / smog and I yielded to him as usual. But when he used the last drop of water, acted surprised and kind of chuckled.... I warned him no more nice guy. (the water has been off since)
I seem to mention turkey alot?


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Love you guys...

Chip said...

Thanks for picking her up, I'm sure that having some familiar faces waiting for her at the airport was great! Sorry we couldn't fit the turkey. I knew we were forgetting something!