Thursday, December 07, 2006

This Weeks Speaker - Dr Brian Steele

Left to right, Dr. Adamson and Merilyn, Tacky, Mary Ellen, Ami, Taylor and Connie, Mary Cecile, Dr. Brian (in the blue and green Senegalese outfit), Alisha and Jean Baptiste.
Dr Brian spent the week with The Advanced Primary Health Care class teaching on The World Health Organization's (WHO) list of essential drugs. Drug treatment from Malaria to worms was covered in detail. Dr. Brian lives in Dakar Senegal, where he runs a YWAM medical clinic that meets the medical needs of Senegalese people. He is an American Doctor, from Tennessee and lives in Dakar with his wife and two young children. He has been in Senegal for 13 years. He will be returning later in the course to teach on physical exams. Along with many other people I have met here, Dr. Brian and his family clearly exemplifies the life of Christ. A living sacrifice. He also loves Starbucks coffee. Jody, bring a couple of extra pounds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You guys look great!!! Love maleah james